Friday, August 16, 2019

Morning Work: 
~unpack your book bag
~use the restroom and get water if needed
~write your homework in your agenda and have Mrs. Gibson sign it.
~Do you have anything in your yellow folder for me?

Gibson Whole Group (7:45 - 9:10)

1.  Brown Bag Activity 
~Partner up with popsicle sticks
~Students will use sentence stems to interview their partner.  What 3 items does your partner want to be shown?
~Interviews are shared with the class.  This will be GRADED!

Gibson Small Group (9:55- 11:15)
~Discuss comprehension questions from yesterday using answer cards.
~review homophones
~Mrs. Gibson will read pages 44-63.  
~Students will receive a sticky note.  Students will write down homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings.  Students should have at least homophones on their sticky note.
~Students will draw pictures to represent their pair of homophones in their blue notebook.
~If time allows, students will answer comprehension questions.

Gordon Small Group (11:45 - 1:05)
~Discuss comprehension questions from yesterday using answer cards.
~review homophones
~Mrs. Gibson will read pages 44-63.  
~Students will receive a sticky note.  Students will write down homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings.  Students should have at least homophones on their sticky note.
~Students will draw pictures to represent their pair of homophones in their blue notebook.
~If time allows, students will answer comprehension questions.

Gordon Whole Group (1:05 - 2:20)

1.  Brown Bag Activity 
~Partner up with popsicle sticks
~Students will use sentence stems to interview their partner.  What 3 items does your partner want to be shown?
~Interviews are shared with the class.  This will be GRADED!


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