Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Good morning! Morning Work - 

~Fill out Agenda - give to Mrs. Gibson to sign. ~Continue to work on your "All about Me" on your desk. Give to Mrs. Gibson if EVERYTHING is complete.
~restroom and water if needed

Gibson Whole Group 7:55-9:10

1.  Consequences Activity

Gibson Small Group 10:15-11:15 (Mrs. Oliver will be pulling students)

1.  Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) and snack
2.  What is it and why is it important? 
3.  Begin reading
4.  Time Capsule (what is it?)
~Trace hand
~Measure height and write on hand cut out
~Timed multiplication Facts quiz

Gordon Small Group 11:45 - 1:05 (no recess) Mrs. Oliver will be pulling students today

1.  Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
2.  What is it and why is it important? 
3.  Begin reading
4.  Time Capsule (what is it?)
~Trace hand
~Measure height and write on hand cut out
~Timed multiplication Facts quiz

Gordon whole group 1:05 - 2:20

1.  Consequences Activity


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