Friday, January 15, 2016

History:  None

Writing:  None

TOC:  None

Materials:  None

Today I will.....
complete my daily review and work on my paper.

So I can.....
complete a multi-paragraph paper.

I'll know I have it when....
I have an 80% or higher on my daily review AND I can edit and/or revise my paper. 

Revise - what you HEAR - Think:  A.R.M.S

A - add sentences and words to improve how it flows.
R- remove words or sentences you don't need.
M - MOVE - change a word or placement of a sentence.
S- Substitute - trade words or sentences for new ones

EDIT - what you SEE - Think C.U.P.S.

C- Capitalize any names, places, titles, months, days, etc.
U - Usage - nouns and verbs are correctly used.
P - Punctuation - are the periods, quotes, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, etc. used correctly?
S - spelling - check all words, look for homophones, use a dictionary!


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