Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday 05/14

Homework:  Project due Thursday - SOL Friday

  1. Complete daily review
  2. Complete bodies of water review

Daily Review:
1.  Colonial governors enforced the British laws and were appointed by the~
A.  colonists                     B.  king

2.  Which event happened in 1776?
A.  Surrender at Yorktown     B. Declaration of Independence
3.  Which of the following was NOT an advantage that helped the colonists defeat the British?
A.  Indian tribes allied themselves with the colonists.
B.  The colonists' beliefs inspired them.
4.  During the Constitutional Convention, delegates debated over how much power should be given to the~
A.  Congress              B.  national government
5.  What compromise allowed people to decide the slavery issue for themselves.
A.  Missouri Compromise   B. Kansas-Nebraska-Act

Virginia Studies

Homework:  study SOL study guide - have signed

  1. Complete daily review
  2. Jamestown Smart Board review


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