Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday 05/09

Homework:  Project due next Thursday


  1. complete daily review
  2. complete practice SOL test
  3. Score 100% - ice cream on Mrs. Gibson, eat with a friend pass, 10 tickets
  4. Score 90-99% - eat with a friend pass, 10 tickets
  5. Score 80-89% - 10 tickets
  6. Everyone with a score of 80 or higher will get a star on the board! 
  7. Make it count!!!!!

Daily Review
Choices:  Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe
1.  This person was president when Lewis & Clark explored the Louisiana Purchase.
2.  This person warned European nations to NOT interfere in the western hemisphere.
3.  This person was president when a two party system began.
4.  This person was president when the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.
5.  This person was president during the War of 1812.

Virginia Studies

Homework:  Study SOL study guide; have signed

To Do:
  1. Check last night's homework
  2. Complete daily review
  3. Complete American Indian Sequence activity


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