Thursday, September 27, 2012

US1.3b American Indians

Homework:  Study cards - finish and color pg. 29

TOC:  None

Materials Needed:  Pencil, Binder, Notecards, coloring tools

  1. All groups: Complete Wednesday and Thursday questions - Orange group - we have to do Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! Work on page 29 while you are waiting. 
  2. Red and Turquoise - we will discuss what we are doing today. 
  3. Orange Group - we need to finish page 28, cut out our new cards AND talk about our learning menu.
  4. Yellow Group - We need to complete page 28 and we need to discuss our learning menu.
  5. ALL Groups:  We will study our cards if time remains.

Virginia Studies:

Homework:  study cards

TOC:  09/27 VS.2g Current State Tribes 25

Materials Needed:  Pencil, binder; red, blue, and green coloring tools

  1. Complete Thursday questions - we will review as a group
  2. We will finish pages 23 and 24
  3. Begin page 25

*Sorry this is late my friends! Every 5th grader has now received their learning menus.  What do you guys think? What are you most excited about? Are you worried about anything about the menu?


  1. Replies
    1. Good Morning Josh! Even though it's the evening now : )

  2. mrs. gibson do we have to color our snow in the inuit picture

    1. You can leave the snow white. Thanks for asking!

  3. hello i already finished my homework my internet stopped being a meanie to me.

  4. my mom say's she likes the John brown rap
    and i'm going to do the apitizer part of the project right now

    1. Sounds good Logan. We are going to work on the appetizer section in class tomorrow as well! Tell your mom to watch the Women's Suffrage video. That is my favorite.

  5. hey Mrs.Gibson! i just got my project started. if we're doing the play, are people from other classes alowwed to be in it?

    ~Julia B

    1. Yes, students from other group can join you. Just remember, it will be YOUR dessert. You develop the script and you get the points. They will not.

    2. Thank you!!!!

      Julia B

    3. What is ur email?

      Julia B

  6. About to play Rags to Riches and or Battleship. :)

  7. im about to do rags to riches for my menu

  8. i got a good question for you in the morning about my project i hope ill be able to do it!!!! :)

  9. i think the diroma well be fun!!!!!!!! kasey s
