Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday April 14th

1.  Fort Sumter - The Union Army is inside the fort and the Confederacy wants them out! The Confederacy fired the first shot.  The fort was completely destroyed in the 36 hour battle. The Union troops surrender and give the fort to the Confederacy.
2.  The Battle of Bull Run- This was the first battle of the Civil War.  The North thought it would be an easy victory.  Northerners even brought a picnic lunch to watch the battle! The Union quickly realized it would not be an easy fight.  Stonewall Jackson earned his nickname here by standing like a stonewall and not running away.  The Confederacy won this battle.  The war has begun!
3.  The battle of Vickburg.  This battle involved the Mississippi River.  Control the River, control the war! That was the battle cry.  This battle lasted for 6 weeks! The people living in the town of Vicksburgh were trapped! The Union and the Confederacy surrounded the town.  Eventually the Union won and controlled the Mississippi.  They are on the way to winning the war. 
4.  The Battle of Gettysburg.  This was the bloodiest battle. It was also the first and only time the Confederacy went into Northern land.  The Union troops were able to control the high ground.  Since they were above the Confederacy it was easy to see them approach.  The fighting lasted only 3 days but the Confederacy suffered terrible losses.  Several months later, Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address dedicating the cementary that was built on the land. 

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