Tuesday, December 15, 2015

History:  Quiz tomorrow - study guide

Writing:  Journals due Wednesday

12/15 US1.5b Region Sort p. 43

Today I will.....
1.  Work time for 30 minutes
2.  Remainder of class will be review for tomorrow's test


Friday, December 11, 2015

History:  Quiz Wednesday - study guide

Writing:  Journals due Wednesday

TOC:  None

Materials:  glue stick, pencil, coloring tools

Today I will...
complete a graded sort.
So I can....
describe life in the colonial regions.
I'll know I have it when....
I have completed the sort with a grade of an 80% or higher.

1.  Copy homework
2.  Get out materials
3.  Complete history sort - PUT your NAME on the colored paper or it will be trashed!! I can't tell who it will belong to without a name.
4.  Begin Writing Pick 5


Thursday, December 10, 2015

History:  Study guide - Quiz next Wednesday; fully color p. 38

Writing:  Journals due next Wednesday

TOC:  In HISTORY binder
12/10 US1.5b Colonies Map p. 41

Materials:  3 reinforcements, coloring tools, study guide (pg 33), 3 regions picture page (38)

Today I will.....
1.  work on page 38 to finish it up!
2.  fill in study guide p. 33 with the class.
3.  work with a partner to complete a map of the colonies.

So I can.....
describe the life of the colonists during colonial times.

I'll know I have it when....
I study my guide and score a 80% or higher on my test Wednesday!


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

History:  None

Writing:  Journals due 12/16

TOC:  None

Materials:  Coloring Tools

Today I will.....
read a page of notes about the Southern colonies.
So I can.....
describe life in these colonies during colonial times.
I'll know I have it when.....
I can complete an exit ticket at the end of class.

*Finish Southern Notes
*Begin Southern Picture
*Complete writing graded editing sheet
*Work on Journals


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

History:  None

Writing:  Journals due Dec. 16th

TOC:  In history binder
12/08 US1.5b Southern Colonies p. 41

Materials:  red, blue, green or sub. for different colors, and 3 reinforcements

Today I will.....
read a page of notes about the Southern colonies.
So I can.....
describe life in these colonies during colonial times.
I'll know I have it when.....
I can complete an exit ticket at the end of class.

1.  Review Mid Atlantic & New England colonies
2.  View power point of the Southern colonies
3.  Complete page of notes with our A/B partners
4.  Southern Picture/Exit ticket (depends on time)


Monday, December 7, 2015

History:  None

Writing:  Journals due Wed. December 16

12/07 5.8b When to use an adjective p. 20
12/07 5.8b Adjective examples p. 21

Materials:  Coloring Tools and glue

Today I will.....
create a bubble map using adjectives.
So I can.....
use adjective comparisons.
I'll know I have it when.....
I can describe the Grinch with at least 6 adjectives.

1.  Review Journal assignment2.  Finish Mid Atlantic pictures (10 minutes)
3.  Glue in Adjective pages
4.  Receive bubble map
5.  Watch video
6.  Create bubble map


Friday, December 4, 2015

History:  None

Writing:  None

12/04 US1.5b Mid Atlantic Colonies p. 40

Materials:  3 reinforcements, red, blue or green (sub with another color if you need to)

Today I will.....
view a power point and read notes about the Mid Atlantic Colonies.
So I can.....
describe life in the Mid Atlantic colonies.
I'll know I have it when.....
I can correctly answer an exit ticket question.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

History:  None

Writing:  Finish writing assignment

TOC: None

Today I will.....
describe the religious and economic events and conditions that led to the colonies.
So I can.....
understand how our early colonies began.
I'll know I have it when.....
I score a 70% or higher on my quiz.

Plan for the day
*Complete history or writing quiz first!
*Finish New England Picture and fully color it!
*Work on my writing assignment.
*Play review game on quizlet


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

14 school days until winter break and the end of the 9 weeks

History:  quiz Thursday - study pg. 33

Writing:  None

TOC:  None

Materials:  red, blue, green coloring tools or sub with different colors

Today I will....
finish reading about the New England colonial region and draw a picture
So I can....
describe life in the New England region
I'll know I have it when....
I can answer a question at the end of class about New England colonies
