Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Today I will... continue working on my superhero writing paper.
So I can... complete the rough draft of my paper.
I'll know I have it when... my rough draft is complete.


Homework: None

TOC: None

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Five minutes to review note cards
3. Scantron Information
Name______________   Test No. US1.7
Subject:  History               Period:  HR info
Date:  02/28/17
4.  Turn test and Scantron into basket and PICK UP Part 2 of test. 
5.  Read Quietly


Monday, February 27, 2017

Today I will... continue working on my superhero writing paper.
So I can... complete the rough draft of my paper.
I'll know I have it when... my rough draft is complete.


Read this question and think of the answer.
Where did the delegates meet to write the new U.S. Constitution?
A. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
B. New York City, New York
C. Washington, D.C.
D. Richmond, Virginia

Homework: Study notecards, Unit Test tomorrow

TOC: None

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Review Stations

Friday, February 24, 2017

Today I will... complete an editing sheet and my weekend exit ticket.
So I can... use grammar appropriately.
I'll know I have it when... I complete my assessment with a 70% or higher.


Read this question and think of the answer.
Who was in charge of making sure the laws imposed by Great Britain were followed by the colonists?
A. Army
B. Governor
C. Legislature
D. Mayor

Homework: Study notecards, Unit Test on Tuesday

TOC p. 87: USI.7c James Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Collect vocab boxes
3. James Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine
4. Formative Assessment about the presidents
5. Review

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Today I will... complete my conclusion paragraph.
So I can... complete the rough draft of my paper.
I'll know I have it when... my rough draft is complete.

Read this question and think of the answer.

Which colonial goods were usually exchanged for manufactured goods from England?
A. Gold
B. Slave labor
C. Crafts
D. Raw materials

Homework: Last four vocab boxes due tomorrow, Unit Test on Tuesday, Study notecards

TOC: None

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Five minutes of group notecard studying
3. "My President Project"
4. Exit Ticket
5. Review

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Today I will... complete writing assessment on Interactive Achievement.

So I can... show what I have learned so far in writing class.
I'll know I have it when... I complete the assessment with a 70% or higher.


Read this question and think of the answer.

After the French and Indian War-
A. Great Britain decided the colonies would pay taxes.
B. Great Britain decided to end the war with Spain.
C. Great Britain decided the colonies would no longer pay taxes.
D. Great Britain decided to go to war with Spain.

Homework: Last four vocab boxes due Friday, Unit Test on Tuesday, Study notecards

TOC: None

1. Five minutes of quiet time

2. BlendSpace Lesson with partner
3. Quiz - 3 questions with partner, 3 questions individual
4. Review

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Today I will... continue to work on my super hero writing paper.
So I can... complete my introduction paragraph and add details to my story.
I'll know I have it when... I have both items finished.


Read this question and think of the answer.
Who appointed colonial governors in the Thirteen Colonies?
A. The colonial legislature
B. The landowners
C. The king
D. The colonists

Homework: Last four vocab boxes due Friday, Unit Test on Tuesday, Study notecards

TOC: None

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Check completion of four vocabulary boxes
3. Five minutes to study notecards
4. Create presidential campaign poster
5. Exit ticket

Monday, February 20, 2017

Today I will... review how and when to use commas.
So I can... practice using proper grammar.
I'll know I have it when... I complete my comma worksheet correctly.


Read this question and think of the answer.
The Pennsylvania colony was established to allow which group of people to worship as they wanted?
A. Debtors
B. Separatists
C. Quakers
D. Puritans

Homework: Study notecards, Unit Test next Tuesday; vocab boxes due tomorrow

TOC p. 86: US1.7c George Washington

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Study notecards
3. Complete Fill-in-the-blank 
4. Create and complete George Washington foldable

Friday, February 17, 2017

Today I will.....
complete my editing sheet and work on my introduction paragraph.
So I can.....
use proper grammar!
I'll know I have it when.....
I complete my editing sheet with a 70% or higher.


Homework:  Vocab boxes due Tuesday

TOC:  None

1.  5 minutes quiet time
2.  Weekly Review
3.  Study note cards after you turn in your Weekly Review!
4.  Group discussion - Articles of Confederation, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.
5.  Formative assessment about the 3 documents above! 
6.  No exit ticket due to graded activities.  



Thursday, February 16, 2017

Today I will... continue writing my paper with focus on the introduction paragraph.
So I can... write a multi-paragraph composition.
I'll know I'll have it when... I complete my introduction paragraph.

Read this question and think of the answer.
Which colony was established only as an economic venture?
A. Plymouth
B. Jamestown
C. Massachusetts Bay
D. Pennsylvania

Homework: Study notecards, four vocab boxes due Tuesday

TOC: None

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Receive AOC quiz grades back
3. Receive new vocab boxes
4. Continue yesterday's activity on Bill of Rights
5. Exit ticket

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

No writing today - Guidance


Review question - to be announced!

TOC p. 85 USI.7b: Bill of Rights Foldable

Homework: Study notecards

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Study notecards on Quizlet
3. Collecting Vocabulary Boxes
4. Bill of Rights Foldable
5. Exit ticket

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Today I will... continue to work on the pre-writing strategies for my paper.
So I can... write a multi-paragraph composition.
I'll know I have it when... I finish the pre-writing strategies.

Read this question and think of the answer.
Who worked as craftsmen in towns and on plantations?
A. artisans
B. farmers
C. slaves
D. large landowners

Homework: Study notecards, Next four vocabulary boxes due tomorrow

TOC p. 84: USI.7c "Rewriting" the Preamble 

1. 5 minutes Quiet Time
2. Cut out new note cards 
3. Finish Constitution Poster
4. School House Rock Video - Preamble
5. Preamble Discussion
5. Exit ticket

Monday, February 13, 2017

Today I will... present my book report.
So I can... show what I know about my Cynthia Rylant book.
I'll know I have it when... I show the genre, characters, picture of the book, theme, and summary.


Read this question and think of the answer.
Most Africans were captured, sold, and forced to work in the colonies so they could-
A. become educated and wealthy.
B. provide more workers for the plantations.
C. buy their own farms or businesses.
D. spread Christianity.

Homework: Study notecards, Next 4 Vocabulary Boxes due on Wednesday

TOC p. 83 USI.7b: U.S. Constitution Notes

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Study Notecards
3. Formative quiz on AOC
4. Discuss U.S. Constitution Notes
5. Work with group to create U.S. Constitution poster
6. Exit ticket

Friday, February 10, 2017

Today I will... complete my exit ticket and my weekend exit ticket.
So I can... practice using proper grammar.
I'll know I'll have it when... I complete my editing sheet with a 70% or higher.

Read this question and think of the answer.

Slaves in North America were - 
A. allowed freedom after paying of their debts.
B. owned as property for life with no rights.
C. only slaves when they were adults.
D. shipped to the colonies to work because there were no jobs in their native country.

TOC p. 82: USI.7a Articles of Confederation 5 Weaknesses

Homework: Study notecards

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Check vocabulary boxes due today
3.  Weekly Review - turn into basket.
4. Cut and study notecards
5. Complete Artickes of Confederation 5 Weaknesses page

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Today I will... begin writing my paper
So I can... write a multi-composition paper
I'll know I'll have it when... I complete the pre-writing strategies


Who worked as homemakers but could not vote and usually were not educated?
A farmers
B large landowners
C artisans
D women

TOC: None

Homework: Vocab Boxes due Tomorrow

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Continue discussion about Articles of Confederation
3. Exit Ticket

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Today I will... work on my interjection activity.
So I can... understand how to use interjections correctly in a sentence.
I'll know I'll have it when... I complete my activity by Friday.


Think about the answer to this question:

Who worked directly on the land and often needed family members for labor?
A. artisans
B. large landowners
C. indentured servants
D. farmers

TOC p. 80: USI.7a Coloring Blocks for AOC
TOC p. 81: USI.7a All About... The Articles of Confederation!

Homework: Four Vocabulary Boxes due Friday

1. Five minutes quiet time
2. Take pre-assessment quiz on laptops
3. Discuss the Articles of Confederation reading page
4. Exit ticket

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Today I will.....

learn about interjections.
So I can.....
use interjections correctly in a sentence.
I'll know I'll have it when.....
I complete my interjection project by Friday.

Homework:  Pick 3 due TOMORROW; Interjections due Friday

History question of the day:
Who lived mostly in the South depended upon slaves and indentured servants for labor?
A.  artisans

B.  large landowners
C.  indentured servants
D.  farmers

Homework:  None

TOC:  None

1.  5 minute of quiet time
2.  5 minutes study note cards
3.  Unit Test
4.  Read Quietly
5.  Make up any necessary work


Friday, February 3, 2017

Today I will... complete my editing sheet and present my book report.
So I can... use grammar correctly in written sentences. 
I'll know I'll have it when... I complete the sheet with a 70% or higher.


Question of the Day
In the 1600's, a Quaker would most likely be found living~
A.  on an Appalachian farm
B.  in a New England log cabin
C.  on a Georgia plantation
D.  on a Pennsylvania farm

TOC p. 79: USI.6d Colonial Advantages in the American Revolution Notes

Homework: Unit Test Tuesday

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Five minutes to study notecards
3.  Return weekly review from Friday
4. Take card quiz
5. Complete note page about the Colonial Advantages in the American Revolution.
6. Exit Ticket

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Today I will... work on my Pick 3 Assignment.
So I can... practice various grammar skills.
I'll know I'll when... I complete my Pick 3 neatly and correctly.

Read this question and think of the answer.
The success of the plantation depended mainly on~
a. Livestock
b. Slavery
c. Indentured servants
d. Skilled craftsmen

TOC: None 

Homework: Card quiz tomorrow, Unit Test on all Rev. War material Tuesday

1. Five minutes of quiet time
2. Five minutes to study notecards
3. Complete page 77 and 78 at gallery walk

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Today I will... complete a writing assessment on Interactive Achievement.

So I can... use grammar correctly.

I'll know I have it when... I complete the test with a 70% or higher.

History: Read the question and think of the answer.
The Economy of the southern colonies depended on~
a. fishing
b. skilled craftsmen
c. cash crops
d. ship building

Homework: Card quiz on Friday, Unit Test on Tuesday on all material

TOC p. 77: USI.6c Key Individuals of Revolutionary War Notes
p. 78: "             "

1. Five minutes to study notecards
2. Gallery Walk with groups
3. Fill in notes at each station